What’s the Current Market on Gold and Silver Coins and Bars Right Now
A little research will show you gold and silver prices are on the rise.
So, how can you take advantage of the uptick? If one has silver and gold bullion in the form of coins and bars then it is much better to retain those and not sell them - for now.
When your coins or bars were bought there was invariably a mark up from the dealer or mint from whom you got them and this should be taken into account when reviewing the actual value of the bullion you hold in your portfolio.
Perhaps you own ten or twenty silver or gold coins, or bars. Work out the accumulated cost of purchasing these, including the shipping cost. You might be surprised to find out just how much you paid for them.
Dealers in the marketplace are currently screaming for more silver and gold coins and bars. They are offering ‘top dollar’ for your coins or bars. They are encouraging you to sell. But how much would you really make? And what is the price of losing an asset you have carefully built over the years?
Some dealers are only interested in turnover - not in collecting coins or bars. It is simply stock to them.
In addition, those coins and bars are highly useful assets in times of severe economic downturn. They are easy to store. Easy to take with you when you travel and, importantly, are always easy to sell.
Just selling your portfolio because the amount of printed money you can get for your silver and gold coins and bars is not really a sufficient reason to sell in our opinion - at this moment in the market.
Silver and gold prices reflect real values and it could be said that it is not the value of the silver and gold that is rising, but the decreased value of printed money - which is deteriorating quickly.
Remember, "Take care of your money and your money will take care of you."
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